francis maes
2009-01-10 19:17:27 UTC
* New baseclass "RewriteVisitor" whose default implementation clones a
PTree (file RewriteVisitor.h). I use this base class for all the
visitors that perform source-to-source transformation.
Can you describe in what way the existing Visitor base class isn't genericPTree (file RewriteVisitor.h). I use this base class for all the
visitors that perform source-to-source transformation.
enough for your needs ?
implementation simply clone the visited PTree, without loosing the
type of the PTree::Nodes:
PTree* clone(PTree* tree) {return RewriteVisitor().rewrite(tree);}
In order to perform source-to-source transformation, I inherit from
RewriteVisitor and override only the visit functions corresponding to
the nodes that have to be rewritten differently.
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Name: RewriteVisitor.h